I created this page using the images that our team chose to use as our primary reference and the silhouette that Will made.
After Will created his silhouette, Connor made a proxy model in Maya. The team decided that it was too robot looking so Will drew over Connor's model to create a more refined Tinman. I decided to create a page showing our silhouette and final concept render.
After Will created the final concept render, I went into Maya to create a proxy model using basic shapes. I tried to scale him to the UE4 model to create a midsize character.
The rest of the team worked to create other elements such as the environment and set dressings and then Yan combined all of our models into one scene and Leah created lighting. Here's what it looks like:
After we set everything up, our team got the opportunity to see the results in VR. This was really amazing as it was my first time getting to put on a VR headset and see something I created. I think we really nailed the scale and the mood.